MCAA is committed to providing the young people of our community a fun and SAFE athletic experience. In accordance with Pennsylvania legislation (Act 153 and Act 15), MCAA requires all volunteers who intend to work with our children to obtain the necessary clearances to do so.
Click Here to access your FREE Volunteer Record Check. Once you receive your successful Control Number, please provide to your League GM.
The PATCH web site is available for registered and non-registered users wishing to acquire criminal history information on individuals. Users must agree to abide by all sections of the Criminal History Record Information Act and all terms stated forthwith.
SUBMIT Your PA State Clearances
1. Clearances should be submitted to your league general manager prior to your first practice date.
2. Act 153/Act 15 stipulates that clearances are good for 60 months from the effective date. You can submit your current clearances as long as they are less than five years old.
Volunteer Gui
There is no charge for requests made for the purpose of volunteering. The volunteer record check can be made via the PATCH website or by mail using form SP4-164A, "REQUEST FOR CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK, VOLUNTEER ONLY". The SP4-164A form may be downloaded from the home page of this website under the "HELP" drop down menu. The name of the agency or organization for which you will be volunteering must be listed. You must also read and accept the legal disclaimer affirming that the purpose of this record check is for volunteer purposes only and is not authorized for any other use.
Notarized Copy of a Criminal Record Check is NOT available for Free Volunteer Checks
Organizations that are designated fee-exempt in accordance with Section 9121 (b) (1) and (b.1) of the Pennsylvania Criminal History Information Act are exempt from payment.
The Pennsylvania State Police response is based on information entered by the requestor and includes fingerprint supported data exclusively from the State Police Central Repository. It does not preclude the existence of criminal records, which might be contained in the repositories of other local, state or federal criminal justice agencies.
Users should consult state and federal laws before using this information in making decisions. Section 9125 (a) of the Pennsylvania Criminal History Information Act provides that whenever an employer is in receipt of information which is part of an employment/volunteer applicant criminal history record information file, it may use that information for the purpose of deciding whether or not to hire the applicant/volunteer, only in accordance with this section. Section 9125 (b) governs the use of information. Felony and misdemeanor convictions may be considered by the employer/volunteer organization only to the extent to which they relate to the applicant suitability for employment/volunteer in the position for which he/she has applied. Section 9125 (c) provides that the employer shall notify in writing the applicant if the decision not to hire the applicant is based in whole or in part on the criminal history record information.
The following criminal history information will be released by the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository upon proper request:
- All convictions.
- All charges that are less than three years from the date of arrest and the Central Repository has not received a disposition.
- All charges for which a warrant of arrest has been issued and the Central Repository has been notified of such warrant.
It is the responsibility of both registered and non registered users to obtain the assigned control number at the time requests are submitted. Immediately after submission of the requests one of the following status will be assigned to the request:
- No Record: If this status is assigned to the request it is the user responsibility to double click on the control number. This will take the user to the details screen where the user will double click on the blue hyper link, "Certification Form", near the center of the page. By clicking on "Certification Form", a certified no record form will be displayed in PDF format.
- Request Under Review: If this status is assigned to the request, the user must periodically check the PATCH web site to determine the final status of the request. A status of "Request Under Review", will result in one of the following final status:
- No Record: Follow the instructions above for a no record response.
- Record: Indicates the person has a record and it is the user's responsibility to double click on the control number. This will take the user to the details screen where the user will double click on the blue hyper link, "Certification Form", near the center of the page. By clicking on "Certification Form", a certified record form and the corresponding RAP Sheet will be displayed in PDF format. This form should be printed.
- Pending: This status is occasionally assigned when traffic is extremely heavy and requires the user to check back at a later time. A request should not remain in pending status for more than 24 hours. If a request remains in pending status for more than 24 hours call the PATCH Help Line toll-free at 1-888-QUERY-PA (1-888-783-7972).